Walking Away from an Avoidant

Navigating the complexities of relationships is challenging, especially when faced with the emotional hurdles of an avoidant partner. In this article, we’ll delve into the dynamics of avoidant attachment, explore the intricacies of anxious-avoidant relationships, and provide a step-by-step guide on gracefully walking away while prioritizing your mental health.

1. Recognizing the Need for Change

Recognizing the Need for Change

Sometimes, love alone is not enough to sustain a relationship, especially when one partner has an avoidant attachment style. If your connection with an avoidant partner is causing more harm than good, it may be time to prioritize your well-being and walk away. Breaking free from the cycle of an avoidant relationship can be challenging, but it’s essential for your mental health and overall happiness.

2. Understanding Avoidant Attachment

Understanding Avoidant Attachment

2.1. Defining Avoidant Attachment

Avoidant attachment is a unique style marked by a fear of commitment, intense emotions, and, ironically, abandonment. Individuals with this attachment style, shaped by distant and unresponsive caregivers in childhood, struggle to form and maintain close connections. While they desire closeness, deep-seated fears and traumas compel them to reject emotional intimacy and commitment.

2.2. Origins of Avoidant Attachment

Infants develop avoidant attachment because of their uncaring, unattentive, and unavailable parents or caregivers. Their scarring childhood forces them to create a defense mechanism that ultimately bans emotions altogether. Avoidants reject getting attached to others, resist getting close, and view love and commitment skeptically.

3. The Dynamics of Anxious-Avoidant Relationships

The Dynamics of Anxious-Avoidant Relationships

3.1. Unhealthy Patterns in Anxious-Avoidant Relationships

Anxious-avoidant relationships often become mentally unhealthy due to the conflicting needs of the partners. Avoidants distance themselves, while anxious individuals seek closeness, creating a toxic push-pull dynamic. This constant cycle triggers each other’s mental traumas, causing emotional distress and feelings of unworthiness for both parties.

3.2. The Wall of Avoidants

Avoidant individuals build emotional walls to protect themselves from getting hurt. Closeness and emotional intimacy become perceived threats that can break down these walls, leading avoidants to push away anyone who comes too close. In their constant pursuit of depth and closeness, anxious partners unintentionally exacerbate the avoidant’s fears.

3.3. Impact on Mental Health

The constant push-pull in anxious-avoidant relationships drowns both partners in despair. Anxious individuals feel unworthy and unlovable, worsening their childhood traumas, while avoidants battle lower self-esteem and loneliness beneath their confident exterior. The relationship becomes a triggering ground for unresolved issues.

4. Understanding Anxious Attachment

Understanding Anxious Attachment

4.1. Origins of Anxious Attachment

Anxious attachment develops when individuals receive inconsistent love during childhood, leading to feelings of unworthiness and a constant need for validation. Anxiously attached individuals often seek reassurance, fear abandonment, and may struggle with self-esteem. Recognizing and addressing this attachment style is crucial for healing and building healthier relationships.

4.2. Characteristics of Anxious Attachment

  • High expectations from partners.
  • Constant seeking of validation and reassurance.
  • Sensitivity to partners’ moods and easy hurt.
  • Fear of rejection or being alone.
  • Clinging behavior to maintain a sense of worth.

5. The Power of Secure Attachment

The Power of Secure Attachment

5.1. Characteristics of Secure Attachment

Secure attachment is characterized by trust, intimacy, and personal growth. Individuals with secure attachment styles had emotionally available caregivers who encouraged exploration and celebrated their achievements. Developing a secure attachment allows for independence, positive self-perception, and fulfilling connections.

5.2. Benefits of Secure Attachment

  • Trust in oneself and others.
  • Belief in personal worth and encouragement of partners.
  • A positive outlook on life and failure.
  • Enjoyment of both solitude and time spent with partners.
  • Independence and self-sufficiency.

6. Walking Away from an Avoidant: A Healing Journey

Walking Away from an Avoidant: A Healing Journey

6.1. Recognize Your Worth

  • Understand that the avoidant’s behavior results from their insecurities and traumas.
  • Choose yourself over a toxic connection that consistently brings you pain.

6.2. Setting Boundaries

  • Avoid falling into the avoidant’s pattern of returning and distancing.
  • Firmly establish and maintain boundaries to protect your emotional well-being.

6.3. Grieving and Healing

  • Allow yourself to grieve the end of the relationship.
  • Embrace the pain as part of the healing process and give yourself time to understand and accept your emotions.

6.4. Understanding Attachment Styles

  • Identify your attachment style, whether anxious or secure, to tailor your healing journey accordingly.
  • Focus on self-love practices to develop a progressive sense of self.

6.5. Self-Analysis and Affirmation

  • Challenge negative self-perceptions imposed by the avoidant partner.
  • Create lists of your qualities, appreciate them, and let go of insecurities.

6.6. Seeking Support

  • Seek advice from mature and trustworthy friends to gain valuable perspectives.
  • Plan activities with friends who support your healing journey.

6.7. Learning Boundaries


Walking away from an avoidant partner is a courageous step toward prioritizing your mental health and well-being. By understanding attachment styles, embracing self-love, and establishing healthy boundaries, you can embark on a healing journey that leads to personal growth, resilience, and the possibility of building secure and fulfilling connections. Choosing yourself is the first step towards a brighter, more loving future.


Should I forgive my dismissive avoidant ex if they keep returning?

Forgiveness is a personal choice, but it does not imply allowing them back into your life. Consider reconnecting only if both parties actively engage in personal growth and healing.

How often do dismissive avoidants come back after a breakup?

Dismissive avoidants may persistently attempt to return, seeking another chance. However, resisting the temptation is essential, as their return may not signify positive changes in behavior.

Can avoidants genuinely change if they express love upon returning?

Expressing love does not guarantee genuine change. True transformation requires consistent actions over time, reflecting self-awareness and a commitment to addressing attachment issues.

Is it advisable to give my avoidant ex another chance for the sake of love?

Consider the relationship’s history and whether both partners have actively worked on personal growth. Prioritize emotional well-being, ensuring patterns of avoidance and anxiety have been addressed.

How can I overcome the emotional pain of walking away from my avoidant partner?

Allow yourself time to grieve and acknowledge the pain. Engage in self-love practices, seek support from friends, and focus on personal growth to navigate the emotional healing process.

Can therapy help individuals with avoidant attachment styles?

Yes, therapy is beneficial for individuals with avoidant attachment styles. It provides a structured approach to address underlying traumas and develop more secure attachment patterns, fostering self-discovery and healing.

Jennifer Zilin
Jennifer is a Passionate blogger who has been around the blogging community for over 6+ years and still loves all things related to WordPress. Love to building websites, writing SEO optimised content, and helping authors self-publishing.