{"id":300,"date":"2017-08-24T12:19:35","date_gmt":"2017-08-24T12:19:35","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/lifewiselady.com\/?p=300"},"modified":"2020-08-25T13:18:45","modified_gmt":"2020-08-25T13:18:45","slug":"5-easy-ways-to-boost-your-tech-savviness","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/lifewiselady.com\/5-easy-ways-to-boost-your-tech-savviness\/","title":{"rendered":"5 Easy Ways To Boost Your Tech-Savviness"},"content":{"rendered":"

Not that long ago, I was contemplating starting my blog. I was dutifully writing my business plan and taking an in-depth course to make certain it would be a viable business. Yep, I am organized and disciplined like that. However, there was this 800-pound gorilla in the room I was ignoring, building, and maintaining my website. Gulp! My stomach would tighten every time I thought about it. Looking forward to it as much as a root canal. At that point, I would have given my tech-savviness a low grade, indeed.<\/p>\n

It seems, with each year that passes, I\u2019ve gotten braver about trying new things, but not technology. I resist it. For example, I put off opening a Facebook account as long as possible, and I am not sure how to use the camera on my iPhone sufficiently. If you are like me, you have relied on the tech wizards to save you from digital disaster. And I\u2019m certain they just loved fixing your problems, right? Fortunately, I\u2019ve discovered other resources available to reluctant learners and late bloomers. Here are the five super easy ways to boost your tech-savviness:<\/p>\n

1. YouTube Videos:<\/h3>\n

YouTube.com<\/a> is my go-to for computer and website issues because I need visuals to comprehend instructions of a technical nature. It\u2019s difficult for me to follow a technician\u2019s direction over the phone. Frankly, it fries my brain. With YouTube videos, I can pause when necessary and proceed at the pace I want until the task is complete.<\/p>\n

With technology, you\u2019re going to want to filter your search on YouTube. I don\u2019t bother with anything older than one year. Although, I suppose it could be nostalgic to watch a tutorial about flip phones from 2007, but not relevant. I also look for a good thumbs up to thumbs down ratio, so I know it\u2019s informative and high quality. However, most videos don\u2019t have many viewer ratings when they\u2019re new. Below is an example of an instructional YouTube video on how to start a subscription box business.<\/p>\n